Neffsville Flower Shoppe | Flower Delivery in Witmer, PA

Neffsville Flower Shoppe, Your Local Witmer Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Witmer

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 6 miles from the center of Witmer.

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Neffsville Flower Shoppe
2700 Lititz Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Leave a Review
Subishi _Subishi _
4 days ago
I called to order some flowers. Got sorted out all the way. Bobbi or bobi, idk whoever assisted me... she was huge help, shes the best.
A MattA Matt
6 days ago
Awesome shop! I referred my son for his wedding and the went beyond what other shops would do!! I will Always de a customer!
Jimmy WoodallJimmy Woodall
one week ago
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